oku tumala oku tekula
[banga colectivo]




experimental programme

29.06 — 17h15
→ casa comum
[30 min]

The short film Oku tumala oku tekula (The act of sitting and creating) comes as a sequel to the project entitled ‘The Bank’, developed by Banga Colectivo in 2021. Its main objectives are to develop the narrative and deepen both the collective's and the audience's knowledge of Angola's informal markets, which are responsible for the livelihoods of many families; to follow and understand the daily lives of street artists, their creative processes and the difficulties they face in producing and selling their art pieces; to present the ‘O Banco’ project and its pieces (bench and bench) in a real and, on the other hand, abstract way. The short film lasts approximately 30 minutes and centres on the figure of a street artist and his relationship with the market where he works. With the introduction of the ‘Stool’ into his work routine, a secondary figure who wants to explore the possibilities of the stool and bench emerges.
