invisible territories


official programme

28.06 — 17h15
[guided visit to the installation]

opening hours for visit
28–29.06 — 13h00–20h00
→ térmita

The exhibition “Invisible Territories” serves as a retrospective of LOCUMENT’s 9 years of practice. Created with a shared methodology, the films create a body of trans-scalar empirical evidence. Formed as a vocabulary enabling the spectator to unfold the layers comprising the world we inhabit, resonating as a potential catalyst to generate discussions and changes in their own context.

A selection of five short films - Computational Compost, Strata Incognita, re:arctic, Undomesticated and Shophouses - individual pieces, part of a larger body of work, that documents and questions the circumstances that define our built environment. The films travel to locations around the world where research problematics can be experienced unmediated. Rather than formulating rigid definitions, they are an invitation for reflection on each subject, providing the viewer with a multitude of lenses from which to perceive the multi-layered narratives that constitute our reality.

→ Computational Compost, 9’ [2023-2024]
FILM DIRECTION: LOCUMENT [Francisco Lobo, Romea Muryń]; Marina Otero Verzier
FILM EDITING: LOCUMENT [Francisco Lobo, Romea Muryń]
SOUND DESIGN: Gaspar Cohen
3D ARCHITECTURAL DIRECTION: Claudia Paredes Intriago
3D MODELING: Claudia Paredes Intriago, Caesar Arenas, Jacinto Moros Montanes, Xabier Abel Martinez
COLLABORATION with the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC): Txomin Romero, Silvia Bonoli, Raul Angulo, Jens Stücker.
Acknowledgments: Clara Montero; Ibai Zabaleta; Ane Agirre; David Pello; Ekhiñe Etxeberria; Iñaki Eguitegui ; Eduardo Bendek; Arantzazu Luzarraga; RISE; Barcelona Supercomputing Center; Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino; Thales Alenia

→ Strata Incognita, 16’ [2023]
Strata Incognita is part of the FOODSCAPES project. Pavilion of Spain. Biennale Architettura 2023: The Laboratory of the Future.
Commissioned by the Government of Spain through the Directorate-General for Urban Agenda and Architecture of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda [MITMA], Acción Cultural Española [AC/E], and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation [AECID].
Curated by Eduardo Castillo-Vinuesa and Manuel Ocaña.
Project management by Ana Ara.

DIRECTED BY GRANDEZA [Amaia Sánchez-Velasco, Jorge Valiente Oriol] & LOCUMENT [Francisco Lobo, Romea Muryń]
MICROSCOPIC FILMMAKER: James Weiss [Journey to the Microcosmos]
VOICES: Tere Vilas and Pablo Ibañez
SOUND DESIGN: Pulsar Sound Studios
ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK: Alex Lázaro, André Júlio Turquesa

Flow of nutrients inside the arbuscular mycorrhizal network. Video courtesy of SPUN in collaboration with Dr. Oyarte-Galvez AMOLF and VU, Amsterdam

Detail of the skeletal remains of three individuals exhumed in the mass grave of La Penilla [Covanera, Burgos] courtesy of Juan Montero Gutierrez, University of Burgos

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Abel Torrelles, from Compost Segrià, for opening us the doors of the Lleida composting plant, Benigno Moreno from Radio Nacional de España, Carola and Jonas Carlsson, from Farmerrain, for the costumes, Iván Cabrera and Víctor Ortega Ramos, from the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias, for sharing their drone recordings over the Tajogaite crater, Jesús Isiegas Mainar, from Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida Cariñena, for sharing his knowledge of the region with the team, Rufina Santana, from Curbelo Santana Foundation, for her support in the search and selection of locations in Lanzarote, and for giving us permission to film in their lands, Toby Kiers and Kelcie Walther, from SPUN, for sharing their knowledge and audiovisual resources from the mycorrhizal world with us

THANKS TO: Ana Ara, Charo Baguena Felipe, Reme Fernández Gómez and Amaya Serrano Baguena for opening the doors of Cariñena for us, Alfonso García Díez and Denise Perpen for their logistical support from Barcelona, Antonio Mainar Royo and Luis Martín González for granting us the use of their vineyards for filming in Cariñena, Ciro Cabal for sharing his root research and introducing us to the concept of necromass, Crístofer Pérez Díaz, from La Palma Film Commission, for his support with the filming permits, Juan Carlos Castro-Dominguez, from the Fab Lab of the University of Alicante, for his support in the manufacture of props, Michel Daniel Pérez Guillén, Environmental Agent of the Cabildo de la Palma, for guiding us in the area of exception of the Tajogaite Volcano.

→ re:arctic, 14’ [2020]
In collaboration with Pareid Studio and The Bartlett School of Architecture, Bartlett Prospective [BPro]

VOICE ACTORS: Mika Kaibara Portugaise, Donnie Brosh, Hadin Charbel
SOUND DESIGN: Duarte Ferreira
ADITIONAL MUSIC BY: James Nathan Jones
SPECIALIST CONSULTANTS: Kim Holmen, Mathilde Le Moullec, Maja-Stina Ekstedt, Ragnhild Utne, Andy Hodson, Nataly Marchenko, Aleksey Marchenko, Espen Helgesen, Asmund Asdal
SPECIAL THANKS: Norwegian Polar Institute, The University Centre in Svalbard [UNIS], Svalbard Satellite Station, Kongsberg Satellite Services [KSAT], Gruve 3 Mine in Svalbard, and European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association [EISCAT], Global Seed Vault

→undomesticated, 25’ [2023]
Produced for the Architecture Film Summer School organised by MAXXI in collaboration with Copenhagen Architecture Festival
part of Future Architecture, Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

ORIGINAL SCORE: André Júlio Turquesa
CURATED BY: Pippo Ciorra and Alessandra Spagnoli
TUTORS: Ila Beka and Louise Lemoine, Jamina Cibic, Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani, Olivo Barbieri and Daria Menozzi, Petra Noordkamp
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Josephine Michau, Copenhagen Architecture Festiva Miguel Braceli, Will Jennings, Sonja Lakic, MIES TV

→ a catalogue of shophouses, 7’ [2020]
SOUND DESIGN: Sérgio Silva

INSTITUTO thanks Fahr 021.3 [designers of the stool featured in the installation].
