what it takes to make a home
[giovanna borasi, daniel schwartz]
trilogy / 1
27.06 — 17h15
→ batalha - sala 2
[29 min, doc]
guest institution programme
soft-opening session

What does it mean to live in the city without a place you can call your own? What role can architects have in addressing homelessness? The film follows a conversation between architects Michael Maltzan [Los Angeles] and Alexander Hagner [Vienna], who have been grappling with these questions over many years and through various projects. Focussing on some causes and conditions of homelessness, the film questions the role architects can play toward overcoming the stigmatization of people experiencing it to build more inclusive cities. First film in a three-part CCA documentary series, conceived by Giovanna Borasi, directed by Daniel Schwartz.
language: english, german
subtitles: english