what role can film have as a curatorial tool?
28.06 — 27.07
→ instituto
opening times during the festival week
tue-fri, 18h00-01h00 | sat, 18h00-23h00
installation opening
27.06 — 22h30
lunchtime toasts
→ 28.06 — 12h30-14h30
→ 29.06 — 12h30-14h30
[10€ incl. lunch, registration required]
guest institution programme
→ instituto
opening times during the festival week
tue-fri, 18h00-01h00 | sat, 18h00-23h00
installation opening
27.06 — 22h30
lunchtime toasts
→ 28.06 — 12h30-14h30
→ 29.06 — 12h30-14h30
[10€ incl. lunch, registration required]
guest institution programme

The installation encompasses the films:
Now, Please Think About Yesterday [Francesco Garutti, Erin Weisgerber, 2019, 22 min]
Misleading Innocence: Tracing What a Bridge Can Do [Francesco Garutti, Shahab Mihandoust, @CCA, 2014, 49 min]
Islands and Villages [Kayoko Ota, Mile Nagaola, Tom Vincent, @CCA c/o Tokyo program 2017-2018, 68 min]
Untitled (The Things Around Us) [Francesco Garutti, Irene Chin, Jesse Riviere, @CCA, 2020, 30 min]
Models Talk [Kayoko Ota, Studio Gross, @CCA c/o Tokyo program, 2021, 29 min]
CCA tech/support team:
Giovanna Borasi, Director and Chief Curator, CCA
Julia Albani, International Relations, CCA
Karine Charbonneau, Associate Director, Digital and Outreach, CCA
Exhibition design by Dyvik Kahlen